Portrait of Abe (1850-1920) | B&W Glass Plate Negative
Cardinal Football Athlete (1975-1999) | 3.25" x 2.25" Color Negative
Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown | Texas Music Scene A Cultural Heritage (2000-2010) | 35mm Film Slide
NBA Knicks Rockets (1975) | B&W 35mm Film Slide
Portrait of An Unidentified Young Man (Front), 1867-1914 | Cabinet Photograph; 4.25" x 6.50"
Portrait of An Unidentified Young Man (Back), 1867-1914 | Cabinet Photograph; 4.25" x 6.50"
Portrait of An Unidentified Woman (Front), 1867-1914 | Cabinet Photograph; 4.25" x 6.50"
Portrait of Frank, 1854-1879 (Front) | Cartes-de-visite (card photograph); 3.35" x 2.25"
Portrait of Frank, 1854-1879 (Back) | Cartes-de-visite (card photograph); 3.35" x 2.25"
Portrait of Johnathan Clauson, 1878-12-25 (Front) | Cartes-de-visite (card photograph); 3.35" x 2.25"
Portrait of Johnathan Clauson, 1878-12-25 (Back) | Cartes-de-visite (card photograph); 3.35" x 2.25"
Portrait of A Young Boy, 1867-1914 (Front) | Cabinet Photograph; 4.25" x 6.50"
Portrait of A Young Boy, 1867-1914 (Back) | Cabinet Photograph; 4.25" x 6.50"
C. C. Shadell, 1867-1914 (Front) | Cabinet Photograph; 4.25" x 6.50"
C. C. Shadell, 1867-1914 (Back) | Cabinet Photograph; 4.25" x 6.50"
Portrait of Three Unidentified Young Women, 1854-1879 (Front) | Tintype; 2.25 in. x 1.25 in.
Portrait of Unidentified Infant (1854-1879) | Tintype; 2.25 in. x 1.25 in.
Portrait of Sammy, 1854-1879 (Front) | Tintype; 2.25 in. x 1.25 in.
Portrait of Sammy, 1854-1879 (Back) | Tintype; 2.25 in. x 1.25 in.
Unidentified Home (2000-2010) | 35mm Film Slide
Unidentified Homes (Undated) | B&W 5" x 7" Negative
Rio Grande Valley Tropical Texas Beauty (2000-2010) | 35mm Film Slide
Unidentified Landscape (Undated) | Color 8" x 10" Positive Film Slide